Sector decomposition
The program "sector_decomposition" can be used to compute numerically the Laurent expansion of (divergent) multi-loop Feynman integrals.
The library is described in : Christian Bogner and Stefan Weinzierl, "Resolution of singularities for multi-loop integrals", .
With version 1.1.0 the following functionality has been added:
Downloads for the nestedsums library: The current version is 1.1.2. It requires at least GiNaC version 1.3.0. The source code can be downloaded from
The library is written in C++ and uses the GiNaC library and the GNU Scientific Library. GiNaC can be obtained from . The GNU Scientific Library can be obtained from .
Documentation of the library is inserted as comment lines inside the source code and can be extracted with the help of the documentation system "doxygen". Doxygen is available from .
When the library is used for scientific work that leads to publication in a scientific journal, please refer to this program as : Christian Bogner and Stefan Weinzierl, "Resolution of singularities for multi-loop integrals", arXiv:0709.4092 [hep-ph].