Top quark physics

The top quark is the heaviest elementary particle known up to today. It has been discovered at the Tevatron and it is currently studied at the LHC.

Top pair production

Top quark pair production proceeds at the Tevatron mainly through the quark-antiquark channel, while at the LHC the gluon-gluon channel dominates, reflecting the different parton fluxes at the two accelerators. In the inclusive top-quark sample a substantial number of events is accompanied by additional jets. We performed a NLO calculation for top-pair production in association with a jet, which is of particular interest for the top quark forward-backward asymmetry at the Tevatron.

Single top production

A top quark can also be produced singly by an electro-weak W t b-vertex. There are several motivations from physics to study single top production: First of all, the process is sensitive to the electro-weak W t b-vertex and non-standard couplings can give a hint on physics beyond the Standard Model. Secondly, the top quark is produced left-handed. Since no hadronisation occurs, spin correlations survive in the final decay products. Thirdly, the flavour excitation channel can be used to extract the b-quark density. Finally, single top production allows a direct measurement of the CKM matrix element V_tb and a verification of the unitarity of the CKM-matrix.

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