Nestedsums library
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CBsumBsums arise from Hoelder convolutions
 CCsumCsums involve a conjugation
 CSsumSsums form an algebra
 CSsum_to_InfinityA Ssum_to_Infinity is a special case of a Ssum
 Charmonic_sumA harmonic sum is a special case of a Ssum
 CZsumZsums form a Hopf algebra
 CEuler_Zagier_sumA Euler-Zagier sum is a special case of a Zsum
 Cmultiple_polylogA multiple polylog sum is a special case of a Zsum
 Charmonic_polylogA harmonic polylog is a special case of a multiple polylog
 Cnielsen_polylogA Nielsen polylog is a special case of a harmonic polylog
 Cclassical_polylogA classical polylog is a special case of a Nielsen polylog
 Cbasic_letterA basic_letter is an element of an alphabet
 CletterA letter is a basic_letter with offset=0
 Cunit_letterA unit_letter is a letter whose letter content equals 1
 Chash_entryThis class provides a container for expressions to be stored in hash tables
 Clist_of_tgammaThe class list_of_tgamma is a container for the class ratio_of_tgamma
 Cratio_of_tgammaThe class ratio_of_tgamma contains the ratio of two Gamma functions
 Ctranscendental_sum_type_BThe class transcendental_sum_type_B may contain $i$ and $(n-i)$
 Ctranscendental_sum_type_CThe class transcendental_sum_type_C involves a conjugation
 Cexpand_requestFlags for the nestedsum_helper_expand function
 Cexpand_statusFlags for the status of the expansion
 Cnestedsums_status_flagsAdditional status flags
 Cprint_formatFlags for the print format for polylogs